0 Personne aime ça. Polub!

gtharnas gtharnas

Utilisation de VocApp892jours. J'apprends de VocApp71jours, y compris de façon constante depuis0jours. Je suis l'auteur26ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2025-02-15 21:46:36.

Mes intérêts


Mes fiches

Ang 01
Usefull phrases, part of a house
Moja lekcja
Furniture and equipment
Condition / alocation
Renting a Flat / House
Useful Phrses Types of School
types of school
Places ane People in a school
Useful phrases
Teachers and Students
Work and money
At work
Not working
Unit 2 / Total English
Daily Rutine
Leisure activites
Useful phrases
Travelling General
Type of Shops
Complaining, Shopping for clothes, services
Advertising / Trade/ Useful phrases
01 TE UPPER Intermidiet
02 Work Uper intermediate

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