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Utilisation de VocApp1897jours. Je suis l'auteur97ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2025-03-26 10:34:35.

Mes intérêts


Mes fiches

Sightseeing and tourism
Sightseeing and tourism
Sightseeing and tourism
Sightseeing and tourism
Time management
Time management
Time management
Time management
Time management
Time management
Vocabulary from LIAR game
6 minute English - Could you give up booze for a month?
6 minute English - Could you give up booze for a month?
6 minute English - Why take a gap year?
6 minute English - Can robots care for us?
6 minute English - Women and motorbikes
6 minute English - yawning, tipping, tattoos
September 3rd
September 24th - "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" episode
October 15th - English language test suggested for Australia visa
October 1st - Talking about food and drink preferences
October 15th - Describing the office
October 15th - BNE: English language test suggested for Australia visa
October 1st - Armenia and Azerbaijan fight over Nagoro-Karabakh
October 8th - Caribbean islands offer 'digital nomad' visa
October 1st - Armenia and Azerbaijan fight over Nagoro-Karabakh
October 8th - Caribbean islands offer 'digital nomad' visa
October 15th - Living in Trójmiasto
October 29th, November 5th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 1)
October 29th, November 5th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 1)
November 5th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 1)
November 5th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 1)
November 12th - TED video: The joy of taking out the trash
November 12th - TED video: The dark history of bananas
December 3rd - Phrasal verbs related to health and fitness
December 10th, 17th - Maverick handout (Active vocabulary 1)
December 10th, 17th - Maverick handout (Active vocabulary 1)
January 7th - BBC 6 Minute English: Are trees intelligent?
January 14th - Scientists say they can reverse ageing process
January 14th - Scientists say they can reverse ageing process
January 28th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 4)
January 28th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 3)
January 28th, February 4th - Maverick handout (Fitness test 3)
February 18th - A full moon could give you a bad night's sleep, Wristband lets others know your mood
February 18th - Electric-car battery charges in five minutes
February 11th - Biden vows to repair global alliances
February 11th - Biden vows to repair global alliances
February 18th - BBC 6 Minute English: No more bosses, What makes a good story?
February 11th - BBC 6 Minute English: Could humans live in underwater cities?, For the love of foreign languages, Shocking facts about electricity
February 25th - BBC 6 Minute English: Working for yourself, Comfort food
March 4th - Maverick handout (Question making 2)
March 4th - Maverick handout (Question making 2)
March 18th - Discussing illness and health, describing injury and recovery
March 25th - Pigs are intelligent enough to play video games
March 18th - Online romance fraud is on the increase
March 18th - Iceland has 18,000 earthquakes in a week
March 18th - Online romance fraud is on the increase
March 25th - TED videos: Why bats don't get sick, How to be fearless in the face of authoritarianism
March 25th - BBC 6 Minute English: Is being thrifty a virtue?, Singing in tune, What do you buy when you're sad?
April 8th - BBC Learning English: Articles (a, an, the, -)
April 8th - Phrasal verbs related to work
April 15th, 22nd - Maverick handout (Fitness test 2)
April 15th, 22nd - Maverick handout (Fitness test 2)
April 29th - Croissant terrorizes residents in Poland
April 29th - Croissant terrorizes residents in Poland
Process of starting a new construction
Problems at work, on the road
Choosing a career path
Travelling in Southern Europe
Travelling in Europe, regional alcohols
Trips in Europe
Food from around the world
Cooking, specialty dishes
Process of acquiring an occupancy permit
City trips, attractions in Poland
Problems with home installations
Polish schools
Cars, prices, buying vs. leasing
Technology past and present
Leasing a car, technology and kids
Driving in various weather conditions
Best places in the world to live
Car servicing and maintenance
Employment contracts
The holidays, buying gifts
General conversation
The building process
Male/female relationships
Male/female relationships
Designing office spaces
Barber shops, snowboarding
Barbers, hairdressers, getting a hair cut
Recent and future vacations
Parental leave, temperature regulation in the office
Exercising and staying fit
Injuries, medical procedures

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