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hrenphrasebook hrenphrasebook

Utilisation de VocApp1902jours. Je suis l'auteur26ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2020-01-15 14:46:06.

Mes intérêts


Mes fiches

Pozdravi, izrazi ljubaznosti - Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases
Pozdravi, izrazi ljubaznosti - Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases
Kupovina - Shopping
Kupovina - Shopping
U školi - At school
U školi - At school
U banci - In a bank
U banci - In a bank
U restoranu - In a restaurant
U restoranu - In a restaurant
Na razgovoru za posao - In an interview
Na razgovoru za posao - In an interview
Na poslu - At work
Na poslu - At work
U hotelu - In a hotel
U hotelu - In a hotel
Na ulici - In the street
Na ulici - In the street
U bolnici - At the hospital
U bolnici - At the hospital
S prijateljem - With a friend
S prijateljem - With a friend
U zračnoj luci - At the airport
U zračnoj luci - At the airport
Doma - At home
Doma - At home
Na tulumu - After a party
Na tulumu - After a party
Iznajmljivanje stana - Renting an apartment
Iznajmljivanje stana - Renting an apartment
Razgovor sa strancem - Conversation with a stranger
Razgovor sa strancem - Conversation with a stranger
Na sastanku - In a meeting
Na sastanku - In a meeting
U prodaji - In sales
U prodaji - In sales
Traženje i davanje uputa - Asking and giving instructions
Traženje i davanje uputa - Asking and giving instructions
Traženje i davanje savjeta - Asking and giving advice
Traženje i davanje savjeta - Asking and giving advice
Ići autobusom ili vlakom - Taking a bus or a train
Ići autobusom ili vlakom - Taking a bus or a train
Traženje i davanje dozovle - Asking and giving permission
Traženje i davanje dozovle - Asking and giving permission
Postavljanje pitanja i odgovaranje na osobna pitanja - Asking and answering personal questions
Postavljanje pitanja i odgovaranje na osobna pitanja - Asking and answering personal questions
U kinu - At the cinema
U kinu - At the cinema
U frizerskom salonu - At the hairdressing salon
U frizerskom salonu - At the hairdressing salon
Kod zubara - At the dentist
Kod zubara - At the dentist

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