0 Personne aime ça. Polub!

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Utilisation de VocApp2166jours. Je suis l'auteur24ensembles. La dernière fois que vous pourriez me voir2019-05-07 12:56:23.

Mes intérêts

francuski, français

Mes fiches

Getting dressed (vocabulary)
Getting dressed (vocabulary)
Getting dressed (dialogues)
Getting dressed (dialogues)
Time for breakfast (vocabulary)
Time for breakfast (vocabulary)
Time for breakfast (dialogues)
Time for breakfast (dialogues)
Before going out (vocabulary)
Before going out (vocabulary)
Before going out (dialogues)
Before going out (dialogues)
On a walk (vocabulary)
On a walk (vocabulary)
On a walk (dialogues)
On a walk (dialogues)
Having fun (vocabulary)
Having fun (vocabulary)
Having fun (dialogues)
Having fun (dialogues)
Dinnertime (vocabulary)
Dinnertime (vocabulary)
Dinnertime (dialogues)
Dinnertime (dialogues)
Shopping (vocabulary)
Shopping (vocabulary)
Shopping (dialogues)
Shopping (dialogues)
At the zoo (vocabulary)
At the zoo (vocabulary)
At the zoo (dialogues)
At the zoo (dialogues)
Friends and family (vocabulary)
Friends and family (vocabulary)
Friends and family (dialogues)
Friends and family (dialogues)
TV time (vocabulary)
TV time (vocabulary)
TV time (dialogues)
TV time (dialogues)
In the bathroom (vocabulary)
In the bathroom (vocabulary)
In the bathroom (dialogues)
In the bathroom (dialogues)
Time to say goodnight (vocabulary)
Time to say goodnight (vocabulary)
Time to say goodnight (dialogues)
Time to say goodnight (dialogues)

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