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ech Ech sinn hongereg.
Are you a football player? commencer à apprendre
du Bass du e Fussballspiller?
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hien Hien ass mäi Brudder.
What a beautiful woman she is! commencer à apprendre
hatt Wat ass hatt eng schéi Fra!
This car is cheaper than that one. commencer à apprendre
dës/dësen Dësen Auto ass méi bëlleg ewéi deen do.
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mir Mir hunn eis alleguer gutt ameséiert!
You'll like this song for sure! commencer à apprendre
dir Dës Lidd gefält dir bestëmmt ganz gutt!
Are they coming or are they staying at home? commencer à apprendre
si/se Gi se mat oder bleiwe se doheem?
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Persoun you can say "Persoun" or "Mënsch" to talk about a human being Dës Persoun ass Dichter.
The clothing stores were full op people. commencer à apprendre
Leit D'Kleederbutteker ware voller Leit.
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Frënd "Frënd" can also mean boyfriend Hien ass mäi beschte Frënd.
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Fra Hien huet sech vu senger Fra scheede gelooss.
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Mann Hien ass e gudde Mann.
You are like a brother to me. commencer à apprendre
Brudder the plural of "Brudder" is "Bridder"; ex.: "I have two brothers." (Ech hunn zwee Bridder) Du bass ewéi e Brudder fir mech.
I have a brother and two sisters. commencer à apprendre
Schwëster "Schwësteren" is the plural of "Schwëster" Ech hunn e Brudder an zwou Schwësteren.
Our neighbours have four children. commencer à apprendre
Kand "Kanner" is the plural of "Kand" Eis Noperen hu véier Kanner.
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Jong "Jongen" is the plural of "Jong" Hien huet véier Jongen.
Our daughter studies law. commencer à apprendre
Duechter the plural of "Duechter" can be "Diechter" or "Duechteren" Eis Duechter studéiert Droit.
She is a mother of three. commencer à apprendre
Mamm "Mamm" can be used to say "Mother" or "Mom" Si ass Mamm vun dräi Kanner.
My grandmother has two grandsons. commencer à apprendre
Groussmamm "Groussmamm" literally means "big mother"; "Enkelen" is the plural of "Enkel" (grandson) Meng Groussmamm huet zwee Enkelen.
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Papp "Papp" can be used to say "father" or "dad"; the plural of "Papp" is "Päpp" Hien ass Papp vu véier Kanner.
His grandfather was a mayor. commencer à apprendre
Grousspapp "Bopa" is a synonym of "Grousspapp" Säi Grousspapp war Buergermeeschter.
How old is your boyfriend? commencer à apprendre
Frënd "Frënd" can also mean "Friend" Wéi al ass däi Frënd?
What is your girlfriend's name? commencer à apprendre
Frëndin "Frëndin" can also be used to refer to a female friend Wéi heescht deng Frëndin?
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Mann "Mann" can also mean "Husband" Hien ass e koppege Mann!
My sister married a woman. commencer à apprendre
Fra "Fra" can also mean "Wife" Meng Schwëster huet eng Fra bestuet.
Excuse me Sir, could you tell me what time it is? commencer à apprendre
Här, Monsieur Entschëllegt Monsieur, kéint Dir mir soen, wéi vill Auer et ass?
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Madamm literally it means "What can I do for you?" Madamm, wat kann ech fir Iech machen?