In the street

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question réponse
I don't know how to get to the bakery.
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Я не ведаю як трапіць у пякарню.
How far is it?
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Як далёка гэта?
How long would it take me to get there?
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Праз колькі я туды пападу?
I have to take two buses to get home.
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Мне трэба змяніць два аўтобуса, каб трапіць дамоў.
Could you please repeat the directions?
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Калі ласка, паўтарыце кірунак.
I have the wrong address.
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У мяне няправільны адрэс.
Do you know where there is a public phone?
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Вы ведаеце дзе тут ёсць таксафон?
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