When do we find the first reference to Robin Hood in English literature?
with reference to your letter
Actually that I bring a huge volume of reference material with me is a makeshift way of preventing people from disputing my case.
This reference is valuable for my research.
Perry is mistaken in thinking that Emmet's theory was constructed without reference to Newtonian physics.
In regard to the internship system in the United States I availed myself of part of Miyumi Tanaka's work "Making doctors in Harvard" (Igaku-Shoin Ltd.) as a reference.
To lose faith in God is to lose your points of reference.
With reference to the invoice No.56789 which was due last month, we have not yet received your remittance.
When using this information, I will follow any conditions you specify, whether that's anonymity or giving detailed reference.
Keep the leaflet for future reference.
The president made special remarks with reference accident in the nuclear reactor.
OJ: please insert publication reference.
If you are writing a report for school, you are probably relying on a few references, or sources, for information.
If you are interested in the job, please send us your CV and a reference from a previous employer.
I had imagined that the newbies fresh from university would probably be stuck with all the backstage work - collecting reference material, getting copies and such but I couldn't have been proved more wrong.
Anglais mot "gönderme"(reference) se produit dans des ensembles:
Turkish Words: Top 1000 Nouns 776 - 8002.
Send me there.
When the body is touched, receptors in the skin send messages to the brain causing the release of chemicals such as endorphins.
Babies can become dehydrated from a high fever, so I was told that it would be better to send him to the hospital.
Send us your videos with your name and age to PO Box 4413.
This controller has accelerometers in it so it can send a farewell transmission as your child chucks it out the window.
I have installed Microsoft Office on my personal computer, so please use its file format when you send me the attachment.
You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.
This is the second mail we send you referring to the invoice No.1111 which has not been settled.
I'd send my kid out on his own for a while if I were you. A few hard knocks at this point might do him some good.
Pick a few random sentences (just 2 or 3), record them, and send us the samples at team@tatoeba.org, with the title "Audio for Tatoeba in <language_name>".
Money's always to be found when we need to send men to be killed on the border; but there's none left when it comes time to help them.
Today, to send a telegram in the States to anywhere in the world, all you have to do is to give the message over the telephone.
We haven't seen each other for over twenty years but he still sends me a card for Christmas.
In South Korea, the most powerful member of a family, usually the oldest living male, has the power to send members of his family to a psychiatric hospital as he sees fit.
Only the other day in a railway accident, without the time to send out a mayday, many people lost their lives.