dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

zwolnić kogoś Anglais:

1. lay sb off lay sb off

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(lay sb off) se produit dans des ensembles:

podtsawowe pojecia ekonomiczne
oxford repetytorium unit 13
Unit 1 class 1 - vocabulary
phrasal verbs 1.
L2 angoulski

2. to fire somebody to fire somebody

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(to fire somebody) se produit dans des ensembles:

Miscellaneous Words and Phrases - Part 1
Profim BLS - part 4 lesson 1
L7 Twitter or Facebook?
22. Feelings and emotions
L24 Twitter or Facebook?

3. fire sb fire sb

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(fire sb) se produit dans des ensembles:

Longman 4. Praca cz. 4
Angielski tydzień 14 i 16
praca - brak zatrudnienia
angielski - praca
TLP The daily grind

4. make somebody redundant make somebody redundant

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(make somebody redundant) se produit dans des ensembles:

Employment - vocabulary
Zajęcia z Ewą od strony 58 do 78
phrasal verbs i słówka 7
ANI-A159 31.05.2022

5. make sb redundant

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(make sb redundant) se produit dans des ensembles:

praca angielski
Getting Job Karola

6. let somebody go

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(let somebody go) se produit dans des ensembles:

Perspectives 3 1C - 1D
unit 1 II tabela
liceum_2-grammar 1
English lessons

7. let sb go

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(let sb go) se produit dans des ensembles:

7. Unit 1 Phrases Perspective 3 Level B2
Angielski PRACA (out of work)
The Office season 1 - Vocab
podstawa część 1

8. dismiss somebody

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(dismiss somebody) se produit dans des ensembles:

Praca słownictwo maturalne
Moje słówka angielskie (39)

9. to sack somebody

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(to sack somebody) se produit dans des ensembles:

What makes us laugh?
Lesson - 09.02.2022

10. make someone redundant

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(make someone redundant) se produit dans des ensembles:

200 ekonomia

11. to fire someone

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(to fire someone) se produit dans des ensembles:

Lesson - 01.09.2022
a good investment

12. to let someone go

13. dismiss someone

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(dismiss someone) se produit dans des ensembles:

Angielski 7,8

14. give sb the sack

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(give sb the sack) se produit dans des ensembles:

słówka 27.11-03.12

15. dismiss sb

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(dismiss sb) se produit dans des ensembles:

pharasal verbs

16. fire

Fire burns.
Tom extinguished the fire.
The fire brigade was on the scene within five minutes of receiving the call.
A fire was seen to blaze up far away.
Tom killed Mary because he found out she had started the fire that had killed his family.
Why don't we fire everyone and hire a group of new people?
She was busy knitting. In the meantime, he was taking a nap by the fire.
You're playing with fire if you insist on riding your motorcycle without a helmet on.
You'll get a ticket if you park the car in front of a fire hydrant.
Immediately after it caught fire, the chemical factory blew up.
I was just wondering if maybe Tom was the one who started the fire.
This week is Fire Prevention Week.
Attempts to fight the fire with buckets soon proved fruitless.
Grandmother looks very comfortable in that chair beside the fire.
Woman noticed fire in the building and called 911.

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(fire) se produit dans des ensembles:

You are the boss!

17. give sb a sack

18. sack sb

19. dismiss

To dismiss the dialog box you need to click the X at the top right of the window.
We'll dismiss class early today.
If your colleagues don't work, either you do their work or I'll dismiss you by tomorrow morning.
We dismiss people for talking about themselves but it's the subject they treat best.
First of all, we must dismiss him.
I don't know whether she believed me or not but in any case it seems she doesn't automatically dismiss talk of the supernatural.

20. make redundant

Anglais mot "zwolnić kogoś"(make redundant) se produit dans des ensembles:

Justina 29th April 2015

21. release somebody