dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

wypłukiwać Anglais:

1. leach

the calcium, potassium, magnesium ions are leached or washed out of the top soil into lower inaccessible subsoil

Anglais mot "wypłukiwać"(leach) se produit dans des ensembles:

angielski U3a

2. leach out

Anglais mot "wypłukiwać"(leach out) se produit dans des ensembles:

angielski kolos

3. wash magnesium away

Anglais mot "wypłukiwać"(wash magnesium away) se produit dans des ensembles:

luty + poprzednie

4. rinse

Please rinse out your mouth.
A rinse in cold water and they're ready to cook.
I'll rinse the vegetables.
The tools were rinsed in alcohol. She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce. He rinsed the soap out of the cup.
Don't just rinse the plate. Wash it thoroughly!
She rinsed her cup and set it in the dish drainer.
It’s best to rinse all the grease off the dishes before you wash them.
I always rinse vegetables in running water
After cleaning the dishes, I rinse them.

5. swish

She swished her racket aggressively through the air.
She was wearing a very swish dress.
A cow swishing its tail
Her skirt swished as she walked

6. wash out

I'm afraid that these greasy marks won't wash out.

7. leaching

8. to flush out

Anglais mot "wypłukiwać"(to flush out) se produit dans des ensembles:

business meeting