dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

wybuch wulkanu Anglais:

1. volcanic eruption volcanic eruption

In the film a volcanic eruption sends lava into the streets of Los Angeles.
A strong earthquake caused a volcanic eruption.

Anglais mot "wybuch wulkanu"(volcanic eruption) se produit dans des ensembles:

Focus 3 Second Edition - Dział 5 - słownictwo
Extreme weather conditions and natural disasters
SP Choroby/rany itd. oraz rózne huragany itp.
sprawdzian z angielskiego rozdział 5
Longman rozszerzenie unit 11 Świat przyrody

2. volcano eruption volcano eruption

Anglais mot "wybuch wulkanu"(volcano eruption) se produit dans des ensembles:

Evolution Plus 3 - Unit 3 - słówka
Evolution Plus 3 - Unit 3 - słówka
Evolution Plus 3 - Unit 3 - słówka
Evolution Plus 3 - Unit 3 - słówka
klęski żywiołowe i katastrofy

3. erupt erupt

About fifty volcanoes erupt each year.
Since the volcano last erupted, many houses have been built in a dangerous position on its slopes.
The area had to be quickly evacuated when the volcano erupted.
If a volcano erupts, it suddenly throws out smoke, fire, and melted rocks.

Anglais mot "wybuch wulkanu"(erupt) se produit dans des ensembles:

Unit 13: Natural disasters & Plants
Świat przyrody