dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

wafel Anglais:

1. wafer wafer

to share a Christmas wafer
Would you like a wafer in your ice cream?

Anglais mot "wafel"(wafer) se produit dans des ensembles:

Artykuły spożywcze i dania
Lesson - 13.12.2022
Lesson - 15.12.2022

2. waffle

Try to give succinct answers, avoiding unnecessary waffle where you can.
Grease the waffle maker.
Did you understand anything from that waffle?
The report is just full of waffle./You have to sit through a lot of waffle about procedures.
I recommend giving it to them straight, don't waffle your way around the subject.

Anglais mot "wafel"(waffle) se produit dans des ensembles:

Iwka 16th Dec 2015 (1h)
Życie codzienne i otoczenie
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