dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

szybko wzrastać Anglais:

1. soar soar

Profits soared.
The temperature soared to 97°.
Sometimes I wish I could fly and soar up in the sky with the birds.
The cost of living has soared in the past four months.
In the fields of wonder where those swallows soar
The birds soaring overhead look like airplanes.
It must feel wonderful to soar through the air like an eagle.
Our hopes for victory soared.
All night long fireworks soared into the sky.
Temperatures will soar over the weekend, say the weather forecasters.
We watched a soaring eagle with awe.
Temperatures are set to soar to 30 degrees on Saturday.
The balloon soared above the clouds.
Ron buckled as something huge and orange came soaring from the top of the highest cage
Mass media portrays drones as cold‐blooded mechanizations silently soaring the skies in search of unsuspecting human targets.

Anglais mot "szybko wzrastać"(soar) se produit dans des ensembles:

Życie jest autostradą - piosenka

2. in leaps and bounds in leaps and bounds

His Spanish has improved in leaps and bounds since he moved to Madrid.

Anglais mot "szybko wzrastać"(in leaps and bounds) se produit dans des ensembles:

3 rozszerzenie
angielski unit 3

3. rocket rocket

It's not rocket science.
The rocket went up.
Superman flies as fast as a rocket.
Rocket technology improved during World War Two.
Tom boiled some eggs on the rocket stove that he had just built.
They knew to an inch where the rocket would land.
The rocket put a communications satellite into orbit.
The rocket landed sufficiently gently to avoid breaking its instruments.
anti-aircraft rockets
Our calculations show that the rocket is off its course.
Sales have rocketed by 213 percent.
use of cars rocketed in the first decade;
My son is doing a school project about rockets, because he wants to be astronaut in the future.
At this year's election her majority rocketed to nearly 7,000.
The airplane used a rocket motor to assist with takeoff.

4. to boom to boom

5. to surge to surge

6. rapidly grow rapidly grow