dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

szukający Anglais:

1. seeking

He is seeking employment.
Martin Luther King spent his life seeking justice.
Refugees in Africa are seeking help.
At present a very great number of people are seeking to participate and, depending on circumstances, up to a month ahead is fully booked.
You're just seeking to embellish all this!
These diagrams demonstrate different possible approaches to job seeking.
It's not as if an emissary from outer space will have slipped into school uniform and be loitering around seeking a partner.
Death is seeking for his prey.
However, in general, it seems that the Emperors had continued without seeking worldly power.
I am seeking the path to the end of the universe.
I am seeking a person who can write a personal computer manual.
We're seeking this court to deem Harold Pierce incapacitated
Women no longer are satisfied with their traditional role of housewife, and are seeking recognition of needs in the workplace.
Young men and women don't seem to know what they are seeking after.
However men, seeking the contents of that safe, kidnap Hana. And those men were really detectives.

2. looking for

I am looking for wood

Anglais mot "szukający"(looking for) se produit dans des ensembles:

8). Słówka z lekcji 2

3. looking

You're looking good!
Delicious looking food doesn't necessarily taste good.
I saw a red car and a white one. The red one was nicer looking than the white one.
The transfer student in the other class is a super good looking guy.
I am looking for an effective method to get rid of all the weeds in my yard.
Just go about your business and don't keep looking at me.
The Japanese are often criticized for being inward looking and insufficiently international in their outlook.
She is looking for a job where she can make use of her foreign language ability.
My desire to become a doctor grew out of looking after my sickly brother.
After spending three weeks looking for a job, he found a well-paid one.
It's an advantage to be good looking.
The boy ran away without looking back.
I love looking at everyone's colorful kimonos on Coming of Age Day.
The old man spent most of his time looking back on his youth.
The ladies are looking after the children whose parents are employed in factories during the daytime.