dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

przepychać Anglais:

1. push through

Anglais mot "przepychać"(push through) se produit dans des ensembles:

trudne fiszki

2. jostle

A group of noisy teenagers jostled to get on the bus.
Mum, she jostled me!

3. push

Stop pushing me!
I had to push my bicycle because I had a flat tire.
The new ambassador will push for a cease-fire to stop the killing.
Look, if push comes to shove I have no doubt she'll pull rank on you to get her way.
I wouldn't push him too far. You don't know what he might do. I'd say you can't be too careful. They say even a doomed mouse will bite a cat if he has no choice.
Who are the idiots who said that teachers should push for larger amounts of homework, seeing as the students don't work enough?
Local officials are twisting arms to push new development projects.
In order to gain media recognition, sometimes AIDS patients have to push themselves into the public eye.
The convenience store was overflowing with girls, I didn't have the urge to push my way through them and went home as I was.
The soldiers in the outposts are continually on the look-out, ready to push back enemy attacks.
l'm gonna push you underwater with my jowls.
He pushed his daughter to achieve greater success.
Let's try to move this wardrobe - you push and I'll pull.
The last-minute push helped them reach a resolution
My grandma is pushing seventy six.

Anglais mot "przepychać"(push) se produit dans des ensembles:

Tygodnik Powszechny

4. propel

Company directors were propelled into action.
Getting results has a way of propelling you forward.
If I get a good score on this test, it will propel me into a good university.
Thrust is the forward force which propels the airplane through the air.
El Sistema has propelled some of these young people into music careers.
Often the things we need to to propel us to a higher place.
enough measurable progress in finding the business model as defined by board and team—to propel
He took her arm and propelled her towards the door

Anglais mot "przepychać"(propel) se produit dans des ensembles:

6. Digestive system