dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

przepełniony czymś Anglais:

1. ridden with

I live in a neighbourhood ridden with crime and violence.

Anglais mot "przepełniony czymś"(ridden with) se produit dans des ensembles:

Grudzień 23 II

2. teeming with

3. extremely crowded

Anglais mot "przepełniony czymś"(extremely crowded) se produit dans des ensembles:

Fiszki na 11.10

4. imbued

The position is imbued with moral authority; the...
All people are born free and have the same rights and dignity. They are imbued with reason and conscience and should interact with each other in a spirit of brotherhood.

5. suffused with

6. rife with something

7. imbued with something