dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

przemakać Anglais:

1. to get soaked

2. soak

Tom's muscles were tired and he wanted to get home and soak in a hot bath for a while.
Japanese love to soak in a hot tub before bed.
You have tennis elbow. Soak your arm in warm water.
Vegetables must not be soaked in water, because then vitamins are decomposed.
That was an intense soak.
... Hershey did originally) to soak up some of the...
leave the shirt to soak in cold water
We got soaked through.
Another soak. Just look at him. He is so illuminated he can't walk straight.
I forgot to take an umbrela and got soaked to the skin in the rain.
Put your clothes in a bucket to soak before you put them in the washing machine.
The ​wind had ​blown the ​rain in and soaked the ​carpet.
Rinse the mushrooms, cover with a little warm water and leave to soak for 15 minutes.
soaking wet
When investigating the pH (acidic, neutral, alkaline) of a liquid, don't soak the litmus paper completely in the liquid but just put the end of the paper in it.

3. soaked

She was soaked from head to foot.
soaked to the skin
The rain soaked through my clothes.
I'm soaked with sweat.' Step back. You stink!"
I only had to take off my skirt and his pants were soaked with precum.
I was completely soaked.
The clothes soaked in water overnight were heavy.
The freight on the ship got soaked.
I stepped in a puddle and now my shoes are completely soaked going squish squish squish.
Take the child away into the forest; I never want to see her again. Kill her, and bring me back this handkerchief soaked in her blood as proof.
I didn't have my umbrella, so I'm completely soaked!
My shirt was soaked.
if you get soaked, you become extremely wet
You could also use a towel or clothing that’s been soaked in cold water and wrung out.
Putin said that terrorists should be ‘soaked in the john’.

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