dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

ponieść koszty Anglais:

1. incur costs incur costs

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(incur costs) se produit dans des ensembles:

* Business English * Kurs autorski* Contracts 1 - ...
Słowka kartkowka marketing
Business and finance
sport handout 3

2. bear costs bear costs

The main decision however only deals with the obligation on the party or parties concerned to bear costs.

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(bear costs) se produit dans des ensembles:

SGH angielski semestr IIIb
English exam

3. to bear the costs to bear the costs

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(to bear the costs) se produit dans des ensembles:

UNIT 2.22 - Sales, Purchases & Costs
Business Ethics
angielski 5-12-17

4. to incur expenses to incur expenses

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(to incur expenses) se produit dans des ensembles:

Zakupy i uslugi r angielski 8.10.2020
Legal english - law of tort
Approach vol 3
Słówka ang-pol 1

5. to incur the costs to incur the costs

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(to incur the costs) se produit dans des ensembles:

JP1 October 2016
JP2, October 2016

6. foot the bill foot the bill

Don't worry: the insurance company will foot the bill
Greeks would be hit by yet more austerity to foot the bill for saving their country from economic collapse,

7. incur a cost incur a cost

Anglais mot "ponieść koszty"(incur a cost) se produit dans des ensembles:

Egzamin Angielski