dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

podatek od wynagrodzenia Anglais:

1. payroll tax payroll tax

Anglais mot "podatek od wynagrodzenia"(payroll tax) se produit dans des ensembles:

A07 16.02.2017
A02 16.02.2017

2. income tax income tax

California income tax rates are among the highest in the US.
People under 26 pay less income tax.
As you are self-employed your profits are taxed as income. You will pay income tax on this income.
Denmark has the highest rate of income tax in the world, at 68%
ˈincome tax noun [uncountable] the amount of money you pay to the government according to how much you earn ▶ podatek dochodowy

3. sales tax sales tax

Anglais mot "podatek od wynagrodzenia"(sales tax) se produit dans des ensembles:

:) killem with kidness