dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

ograniczyć spożycie czegoś Anglais:

1. cut down on

The supermarket chain had to put 3,500 extra staff on duty in order to cut down on queues.
cut down on sweets
I need to cut down on coffee. I drink too mcuh
I want to cut down on wasting time on Facebook.
I'm trying to cut down on caffeine. She used to work 50 hours a week, but recently she's cut down.
I cut down on fast food.
If you want to keep fit, you must cut down on sweets.
You should cut down on sugar or you will put on weight.
You should cut down on the amount of coffee you drink; it’s not good for your health.
These improvements will cut down on traffic noise.
If I see later that we have cut down on speaking time then I may give the floor again.
The first step to give up smoking is to cut down on it.
If you are trying to cut down on your caffeine consumption, you can...
You'd better cut down on sweets if you want to lose some weight.
I must cut down on the sweets I eat.

Anglais mot "ograniczyć spożycie czegoś"(cut down on) se produit dans des ensembles:

The natural world UNIT 13 Express Publishing
Natural world part 2 by k-mille

2. cut down on something

Anglais mot "ograniczyć spożycie czegoś"(cut down on something) se produit dans des ensembles:

Phrasal verbs U1-7