dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

nie podoba mi się to Anglais:

1. I don't fancy that I don't fancy that

2. I do not like it I do not like it

3. I don't really like it I don't really like it

Anglais mot "nie podoba mi się to"(I don't really like it) se produit dans des ensembles:

B7 - Bonus 7: Zakupy

4. it's not to my liking it's not to my liking

Anglais mot "nie podoba mi się to"(it's not to my liking) se produit dans des ensembles:

phrasal verbs

5. I don't like it I don't like it

6. don't like it don't like it

7. it doesn't appeal to me it doesn't appeal to me

These books are designed to appeal to children but it doesn't appeal to me
Laying in bed really doesn't appeal to me. These books are designed to appeal to children but it doesn't appeal to me