dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

ma miejsce Anglais:

1. Take place Take place

The concert will take place in the main square of the city.
sth take place in...
Where does the competition take place?
Tennis volleyball and basketball take place on the court
The next meeting will take place on Thursday.
When will the concert take place?
Australia Day Ferry Boat Race take place in Sydney Harbour.
The lecture will take place on Monday.
Which sports take place on an ice rink?
Football games take place at B.C. Place stadium.
I think the question we need to ask is where the robbery will take place.
The party will take place in the city centre.

Anglais mot "ma miejsce"(Take place) se produit dans des ensembles:

Angielskie zwroty - zestaw 1
Fiszki_wykład Walsh and Carmeli
LONGMAN-kultura (9 rozdział)
Moja lekcja-ang. dodatkowy
Angielski ogólnie matura