dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

lokal mieszkalny Anglais:

1. residential premises residential premises

Anglais mot "lokal mieszkalny"(residential premises) se produit dans des ensembles:

Inżynier Budownictwa - Język angielski

2. residential unit residential unit

3. housing unit housing unit

4. apartment apartment

We rented an apartment.
There have been a lot of complaints in the last few days about the amount of noise coming from your apartment.
It's a small noisy apartment, but it's where I live and I call it home.
I am staying with my uncle for the time being, but later I will move to a small apartment.
Do you know of an apartment I can rent that allows pets?
When I visited their apartment, the couple was right in the middle of an argument.
Burglars broke into our apartment and stole my wife's fur coat.
I'm not a Muslim and so I have no obligation to observe the fast but as long as I'm living in the same apartment having consideration for such a custom is important.
Filiberto lives in a very large apartment in a city we're not familiar with.
I pricked up my ears when I heard of the available apartment.
The walls of this apartment are weather-beaten after many years of wind and rain.
Every wall of his apartment is covered from floor to ceiling with books.
On weekdays there are enough parking spots free that you should be able to get one close to my apartment.
After his wedding, Alain left his small, moldy apartment and led an extravagant life.
After being out in the wind and rain for years and years the walls of this apartment building are weather-beaten and brittle.

5. DU dwelling unit DU dwelling unit

Anglais mot "lokal mieszkalny"(DU dwelling unit) se produit dans des ensembles:

Angielski budownictwo