dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

gut Anglais:

1. well

Well, the night is quite long, isn't it?
The little kitten fell into the deep water well, so the children used a bucket and string to help it out.
Well, let's go.
I feel in my bones that they will never get along well together.
He did well in all subjects, particularly mathematics.
Both teams are well matched. The game will be an interesting one.
It is difficult to find a well paid permanent job.
Judging from his report, the project seems to be going well.
Parents are proud of their children when they do well in school.
His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he likes the Lions as well.
Well, we've finished at last.
Children aren't naturally obedient any more than they're naturally well mannered.
Air as well as sunlight is, needless to say, indispensable to our daily life.
If you want to learn a foreign language well, you should speak that language with native speakers as often as you can.
If you go on drinking so much, you may well end up an alcoholic.

2. good

Good for you.
It's a good idea to study the language and culture of the country you're going to visit.
This is a sentence, that has the syllable count, of a good haiku.
Good morning. You're a bit late today, aren't you? "Yes, I ran into a bit of trouble."
A wide leather belt would look good with that dress.
The transfer student in the other class is a super good looking guy.
It's a good idea, to be sure, but it's hard to put it into practice.
The good harvest brought down the price of rice.
We had a good many anxious moments, but everything turned out all right in the end.
The true secret of writing a good letter is to write as if you were talking.
Generally speaking, a waiter in Japan gives good service.
Some people insist that television does more harm than good.
I hear that studying in the morning is more effective. Studying one hour in the morning is as good as three hours at night.
You can teach good manners to children without resorting to punishment.
His old company gave him the shaft. But I admire the way he turned bad luck into good and did even better with his own business.

3. gut

My gut feeling is that Tom won't show up tomorrow.
The hunters shot the elk then gutted and dressed it.
That exercise was a gut.
I'm going to slug you in the gut.
Years of heavy drinking has left John with a beer gut.
He took out the guts of the animal.
When we got home, my grandma scaled and gutted the fish we had caught
I am so angry, I could punch someone in the face, and then in the gut.
I have a gut feeling that the relationship won't last. I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.
Your gut task is to ice that guy.
My gut is aching.
but that feeling in your gut that it doesn't make sense
In order to remodel the house, we must first gut it and throw away all the old fixtures
It can take 72 hours for food to pass through the gut.
I've developed a bit of a gut lately, so I've decided that, starting tomorrow, I'm going to go to the gym.

4. as right as rain

he had really bad flu last week, but he is as right as rain now
I am as right as rain.