dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

dotrzymać tępa Anglais:

1. keep up with

He's not able to keep up with the rest of his team.
I can't keep up with the work.
A runner will not keep up with a cyclist.
keep up with fashion
I was running in marathon and I wanted to keep up with opponents.
how to keep up with the issues you care about. to Keep up with the Pace of Change in Technology.
I never thought it would be so hard to keep up with my children once they start growing up.
She hired an assistant because she couldn't keep up with the work.
How do you keep up with the latest gossip from friends?
My mum walks too fast and it's really hard to keep up with her
I have got so much homework that i can't keep up with reading books.
I went jogging with my friends but i couln't keep up with them.
We try to keep up with what’s happening.
We do our best to keep up with our competitors.
Why must corporations keep up with the latest marketing strategies?

Anglais mot "dotrzymać tępa"(keep up with) se produit dans des ensembles:

Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs