dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

dom opieki Anglais:

1. care home care home

I visited my Grandad at the care home.

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(care home) se produit dans des ensembles:

Angielski - upper inter mediate - unit 3
Vocabulary 2 - miejsce zamieszkania
from cradle to grave
C1 Crime and punishment
Rozdział 3 matura solutions

2. nursing home nursing home

Elderly people should only live in nursing home if they have no families to look after them.
My grandmother spent the last two years of her life in a nursing home.

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(nursing home) se produit dans des ensembles:

6 NewPassword B2+C1
Straighforward 8

3. residential residential

Our office is located in the residential area.
This carpet is designed for residential use.
We bought a house in this residential area.
a residential district
They live in a residential area.
A residential road, area, etc. has only private houses, not offices and factories.
This residential area is comfortable to live in.
A factory is not suitable for a residential district.
Yesterday, I found a tiny piece of land for sale in a quiet residential area and I immediately decided to buy it.

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(residential) se produit dans des ensembles:

English File: upper-intermediate 2

4. residential care home residential care home

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(residential care home) se produit dans des ensembles:

On screen 6 a

5. residential home residential home

My grandfather now lives in a residential home.
This is the residential home where Mary has lived since her daughter moved away.

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(residential home) se produit dans des ensembles:

Intm1- rozdział 4
Upper-intermediate 1-3

6. sheltered accommodation sheltered accommodation

Anglais mot "dom opieki"(sheltered accommodation) se produit dans des ensembles:

Unit 14 (State and Society)
20 Narodziny i śmierć