dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

dezynfekować Anglais:

1. disinfect

disinfect your skin by using an alcohol wipe
Clean and disinfect toilets after they're used by the person with diarrhea.

Anglais mot "dezynfekować"(disinfect) se produit dans des ensembles:

Sterylizacja medyczna słownictwo
Preventing infection
Angielski 4 - housekeeping
Lekcje - 27.08.2019

2. sanitize

. crime writers who sanitise violence and make it respectable. He's worried that he's only going to get a sanitized version of what actually happened.
The military wants to allow only a sanitized report/version of the incident to become public.
So the middle stretch was where he would have sanitized.
And when is the last time you sanitized your keyboard?
this sanitized version of his life does not mention his time in prison
They were also forced to "sanitize" reports that might show early church leaders or the official doctrine in a dim light. You can use sponges and dishcloths safely if you take care to sanitize them,