dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

brać byka za rogi Anglais:

1. grasp the nettle grasp the nettle

Thanks God that the government managed to grasp the nettle of growing unemployment. The new reforms allowed to reduce it effectively.
I had to finally grasp the nettle and talk to my boss about my raise.

Anglais mot "brać byka za rogi"(grasp the nettle) se produit dans des ensembles:

E Dla Zaawansowanych 3 C2

2. take life by the horns take life by the horns

3. bite the bullet bite the bullet

We have no choice. We just have to bite the bullet.
If the Socialists win the election, they too will have to bite the bullet.
I have to bite the bullet and tell him the truth.
It’s time to bite the bullet and change my job!

Anglais mot "brać byka za rogi"(bite the bullet) se produit dans des ensembles:

Agata’s Advents calender