dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

Przybyli Anglais:

1. Came Came

Nobody came.
What if you gave a speech and nobody came?
He came back not because he was homesick, but because he was running short of money.
Malaysia came into existence in 1957.
In 1848, people came to California to dig for gold.
It came to a grand total of 150,000 euros.
The media got wind of a rumor about his engagement and came quickly.
World War II came to an end in the 20th year of the Showa era.
It took him a moment to realize where he was after he came to.
He came first. That's why he got a good seat.
Almost everyone came.
Tom had intended to go with Mary, but something came up and he couldn't.
You should have knocked before you came in.
I failed to catch the last bus, and came home by taxi.
Sometimes an Italian street musician came to town.

Anglais mot "Przybyli"(Came) se produit dans des ensembles:

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