dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

Długopis Anglais:

1. pen pen

This's a pen.
ALS had made his hands and arms too weak to hold a pen or to type.
'Stop being a d***!' Woman almost RUINS elaborate proposal after her boyfriend penned a rap song that took a whole year to plan
If I had had more money, I would have bought the pen.
I need an envelope, a piece of paper, and a pencil or a pen.
If the distance you move the pen is too small, the speed too slow, it can't recognize the gestures well and you can't operate it in the way you thought.
Once the sketch is completed, ink it with a nib pen.
During the imprisonment of Sir Thomas a frequent intercourse of letters passed between him and this beloved daughter and when deprived of pen and ink he contrived to write to her with a coal.
His hand was trembling as he picked up his pen to sign.
I must put my ideas together before I take up a pen.
2. Draw a boomerang shape on the card with a pen. Cut out the boomerang you've drawn.
It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law.
I paid not less than a hundred dollars for this pen.
I'm not doing it. I ain't wanna go to a pen.
[pɛn] pen

Anglais mot "Długopis"(pen) se produit dans des ensembles:

dom, edukacja, geografia, hobby, jedzenie, kierunk...
edukacja, geografia, hobby
Przedmioty indywidualne
Rzeczy i auta
Przybory szkolne