dictionnaire Polonais - Anglais

język polski - English

życie towarzyskie Anglais:

1. social life social life

The drama raises larger issues of success-worship and the over-valuation of popularity and material possession in America social life.
People with a good social life often live longer
Have you ever invented details about your social life?
I have absolutely no social life at the moment, my job takes all my time.
He's got a very busy social life! He goes out every evening.
I was working for American Express and I had a good social life.
Stanley doesn't have a social life.

Anglais mot "życie towarzyskie"(social life) se produit dans des ensembles:

Repetytorium 3: A visit to the theatre EN/PL
słówka z angielskiego maclaz nauka w domu A
English file pre-intermediate Third edition - File 4
Unit 9 i 10 matura master pre-intermediate
Angielski - Unit 2 (słownictwo)

2. socialising socialising

and socialising with other wealthy people