dictionnaire néerlandais - Anglais

Nederlands, Vlaams - English

wacht Anglais:

1. wait

Please wait here.
I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
Whoever is at the door, please ask him to wait.
Nothing could be done, except wait.
If I wait, what's the possibility I can get a seat?
Wait, don't shoot!
My friend recommended that I shouldn't buy an iPad yet, but to wait until I see what Apple's competitors come out with.
Can the matter wait till tomorrow?
If I should be late getting home, please don't wait up for me.
I know you've been waiting a long time, but could you wait just a little bit longer?
I can't wait for spring to come so we can sit under the cherry trees.
I'll mail you the report in a jiffy, so you won't have to wait long.
The operator told me to hang up and wait for a moment.
Did any of you gentlemen wait on this man?
Wait in line, please.

Anglais mot "wacht"(wait) se produit dans des ensembles:

Most common Dutch words 101 - 150
Heather vocab

2. guard

Not knowing what to expect, Tom was caught off guard.
He remained there for many months under close guard.
He went into the bank in the disguise of a guard.
Guard against accidents.
If you carelessly ask, "got a boyfriend?" she'll be put on her guard and say, "why do you ask?"
When one of my coworkers starts racking up good sales figures I can't let down my guard.
This is a plan that takes into account your stature and your ability to guard. By all means do it for me.
Gold golems are guardians used to guard treasure.
When two armies oppose one another, those who can fight should fight, those who can't fight should guard, those who can't guard should flee, those who can't flee should surrender, and those who can't surrender should die.
However, when I finally reached the castle I was thrown into this prison by the commander of the imperial guard.
Speaking with reporters in Montreal, Canada, Walesa says the change of leadership in East Germany came about because the old guard leaders missed the train of history.
-We can feel safe and secure, here's a guard.
n, v - guard
Well you're always putting on a show, and you're always on guard.

Anglais mot "wacht"(guard) se produit dans des ensembles:

2000 Most Used Dutch Words (1/2)