dictionnaire Letton - Anglais

latviešu valoda - English

galvenais Anglais:

1. main

main problem
Patterns of freeze-up and breakup influence the distribution and number of seals, the polar bear's main prey.
Let us remember that, if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.
I sat down to translate the sentence shown on the main page into my native language, and half an hour and two dozen sentences later I had to convince myself to stop.
Smokers are as aware as anybody else of the disadvantages of their hobby, but manage to live with that knowledge for two main reasons.
The accountants and finance analysts all have their own departmental office two blocks away from the business's main branch.
The main streets of many small towns have been all but abandoned thanks, in large part, to behemoths like Wal-Mart.
All sweaters of this type are out of stock now. We'll order them from the main store in Tokyo.
In the main, I am in favor of political reform if meaningful changes are made.
That would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming.
Вот главная улица|Here is the main street
The report from the National Development and Reform Committee says that the advance in rural high-speed telecommunication infrastructure is the main reason for the increase in Internet users.
In English there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction and finally interjection.
About the wedding ... It's a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be the main attraction, so instead of doing it on a shoestring, why not pull out all the stops and make a great show of it?
Nearly all siheyuans had their main buildings and gates facing south for better lighting, so a majority of hutongs run from east to west.

Anglais mot "galvenais"(main) se produit dans des ensembles:

Top 1000 Latvian Words 751 - 800
Top 300 English adjectives and adverbs 51-75 - Top...

2. primary

He is a primary school teacher, so he is used to dealing with children.
What's your primary aim?
The Department of Homeland Security's primary function is the prevention of terrorist attacks occurring within America and, in the extreme case of an attack happening, holding losses to the smallest possible level and swiftly carrying out restoration.
At Kuroda Primary School we assemble at a prearranged time and go to school as a group.
Over the next fifteen years, architects, planners and community developers will work together to transform 346 acres of industrial wasteland into 6,500 homes, two shopping centres, a marina, a primary school and college, and parkland.
For that reason the outcome of the primary nursing care requirement authorization has to relate to the amount of nursing care required.
My mother used to pick me up every day when I was at primary school.
The story that, "Apparently the new primary school curriculum will teach that pi as 3" spread this March.
I saw one, a mermaid, when I was a primary schooler. But it wasn't that sort of fairy-tale atmosphere of a story.
The aim of this report is to explain why there is the problem of obesity among primary school children and how this problem could be resolved.
He didn't go to kindergarten before primary school.
primary objective
Saxophonists often double on flutes, which have similar fingerings to their primary instruments.
Farmers are the primary customers, as they can use the drone to optimize their agricultural practices and increase their yields.
Once, when I was in primary school, a kid was being bullied and it bothered me so much that I exploded with anger.

Anglais mot "galvenais"(primary) se produit dans des ensembles:

Top 300 English adjectives and adverbs 251-275 - T...