dictionnaire kazakh - Anglais

Қазақша - English

ақжелкен Anglais:

1. parsley parsley

parsley sauce
Putting chopped parsley in a hamburger does not make it a Salisbury steak.
We always serve boiled potatoes with butter and parsley here.
She says, `There's such a lot o' room in that big place, why don't they give her a bit for herself, even if she doesn't plant nothin' but parsley an' radishes?
You have to eat parsley.
I prepared parsley with oil for breakfast and served it to my wife.
which is the leeks, parsley, a little bit of...
In this time of the year the roadsides are in full bloom. You can find there, for example, a lot of cow parsley, rapeseed, and dandelions.

Anglais mot "ақжелкен"(parsley) se produit dans des ensembles:

Vegetables - Көкөністер
Spices - Дәмдеуіштер