dictionnaire géorgien - Anglais

ქართული - English

წინამორბედი Anglais:

1. Predecessor

We like the present headmaster better than his predecessor.
Today's computers are much faster than their predecessors were.
His predecessor spoke excellent German.
He seems a lot better than his predecessor. The predecessors to these computers were much larger and heavier.
He credits his predecessor.
Kennedy's predecessor as president was the war hero Dwight Eisenhower.
The new president reversed many of the policies of his predecessor
He also wrote books, and he was considered a predecessor of Charles Berlitz.
May I take this opportunity to thank Mr Trump and his predecessor, Mr Obama.
Prime Minister, your predecessor did not have an easy or positive start.
Your predecessor assumed that rural policing was easy.
His background parallels that of his predecessor.
He defies the present government which is no less oppressive than its predecessor.