Suit yourself.
At the funeral, the widow looked very dignified, with her black suit, hat and gloves.
We don't give discounts, the woman said sternly. "Regardless how small. Now, please take off the suit if you can't afford it."
Never mind that, what's with that get up ... a swimming suit!? "That's right. Sexy isn't it? Feeling horny?"
The floor is dirty! the shopkeeper reprimanded him. "You haven't even paid for the suit yet, and you're already getting it dirty!"
Well, it's just like the proverb "fine feathers make a fine bird". You look really good when you wear a suit.
As he looked through the store window, Dima's eyes widened as they fell upon a gorgeous black suit, and then widened even more when he noticed the 3,000,000.99 BYR price tag.
I'm in a terrible hurry... for reasons I can't say, Dima replied to the woman. "Please, just let me try on that suit there."
At a word from the ballet master in the white suit, the room will come alive.
As soon as one airline announced its plan for airfare reductions, the rest of the companies followed suit.
As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock.
But it's true! Dima insisted. "They won't let me buy the suit unless I give them another 99 kopeks! Can't you wire me some money?"
The government hopes that lowering its carbon emissions will set an example and that other countries will follow suit.
People eagerly sought a more modernised style of dress and transformed the old qipao to suit their tastes.
It's pool-season from this week, isn't it? "Oh yes. I've gotta go and buy a swimming suit, then."
Anglais mot "tuta"(suit) se produit dans des ensembles:
Italian top 8002.
Each of the boys bought a tracksuit.
Peter wears tracksuit when he has PE.
I don't want to put on my tracksuit.
John put his tracksuit on and went jogging.
Take off this tracksuit and put on this one.
Don’t forget to take your tracksuit with when you go to a training session!
The dog is wearing a tracksuit.
I always wear a tracksuit when I go for a run. It's just comfortable.
Mirek is a gym teacher. He wears a tracksuit to work.
Now that is a lovely tracksuit.
He drives to work in Tallaght each morning dressed in a tracksuit and goes for a five-mile run. He was wearing a dark tracksuit with a hooded top and a scarf around his face.