dictionnaire finnois - Anglais

suomen kieli - English

suolainen Anglais:

1. salty salty

If you taste this sauce you'll find it a bit salty.
I like salty yoghurt more than the sweet one.
You can't drink seawater because it's too salty.
What's your favorite salty snack?
This water is a little salty.
too salty
How salty this soup is!
I find it amazing that in the Slavic languages the word “sweet” originally meant “salty”!
My father cut down on salty food as I had advised.
Cook the potatoes in salty water.
salty fries
Do you like salty food?
I didn't know why my tea was salty.
These crisps are really salty. They make me thirsty.
The food the restaurant offered us was so cold and salty that it was far from satisfying.

Anglais mot "suolainen"(salty) se produit dans des ensembles:

slowka na kurs