dictionnaire finnois - Anglais

suomen kieli - English

nautittava Anglais:

1. enjoyable enjoyable

A little knowledge of Spanish will go a long way toward making your trip to Mexico enjoyable.
Learning a foreign language is truly interesting and enjoyable.
enjoyable time
It is not so important how much I will earn but my job must be sensible and enjoyable.
The walk around the lake was an enjoyable experience.
Which is more enjoyable: listening to music alone or with other people?
The movie was much more enjoyable than Hemingway is.
Everyne would like to have a job that is enjoyable.
But the work on the farm was enjoyable.
This photograph reminds me of enjoyable times when I was a child.
Learning is such an enjoyable experience when you find the right teachers!
Games can make learning more enjoyable.
Good weather makes this day as enjoyable as possible.
Most students find the course very enjoyable.
I loved those days, so carefree and enjoyable.