dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

regard Anglais:

1. to perceive

Anglais mot "regard"(to perceive) se produit dans des ensembles:

new opportunities - intermediate
vocabulary 2

2. to think about someone or something in a particular way

3. disregards

He disregards his wife every time she asks to cuddle.
He disregards other people.

4. disregarded

He disregarded my advice.
Tom disregarded Mary's advice.

Anglais mot "regard"(disregarded) se produit dans des ensembles:

word formation 7

5. look at

Can you look at this?
look at me
We need to have a look at our budget.
You should get a doctor to look at that cut
You should look at their need of being freedom
When we look at the diagram it becomes clear that (how) the rate of inflation has risen.
Can I look at your newspaper?

Anglais mot "regard"(look at) se produit dans des ensembles:

prepositional verbs/formal

6. stare

Don't stare at people.
He gave me a blank stare.
The vacant stare of dolls' eyes has always creeped me out.
Are we human because we stare at the stars or do we stare at the stars because we are human?
Whenever the school bell rang, Ivan would stare into space and drool. Several failed exorcisms later, his parents realized that he was the reincarnation of one of Pavlov's dogs.
However, it captivated me and I would stare often at it, as though there was a deeper message buried within.
As she fetched Dima the suit, the shopkeeper noticed smears of blood on his shirt, and couldn't help but stare in shock.
I screamed and everyone stared. / They stared up at the hole in the ceiling.
The judge stared at Gandih and finally told him to take off his turban
She bent down and stared at a computer screen. / I just lay there and stared at the ceiling. / He stared at me... and then he just laughed.
The painting was so strange I stared at it for a long time.
They have to stare at a computer all day.
But I'm gonna stare at his wife's boobs so hard
We all stared out the window.
It's embarrassing to be seen without make-up so please don't stare.

7. consider or think of in a specified way

8. regardless

My roommate is prodigal when it comes to spending money on movies; he buys them the day they're released, regardless of price.
If it's badly insulated, it won't warm up regardless of how much heating you use.
regardless of performance
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Those fated to meet will do so regardless of distance. Those not fated will not, even if they are across from one another.
In this democratic age of ours men clamour for what is popularly considered the best, regardless of their feelings. They want the costly, not the refined; the fashionable, not the beautiful.
Anyone who really wishes to apply themselves to the freedom of mankind must have the courage to face the truth, regardless how bitter it may be.
We don't give discounts, the woman said sternly. "Regardless how small. Now, please take off the suit if you can't afford it."
The law requires equal treatment for all, regardless of race, religion, or sex
President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Bill which granted equal rights to all American citizens regardless of the colour of their skin.
It obliges the Member States, new ones included, to make a huge economic effort regardless of the circumstances.
No doubt, regardless of the time, she was planning to go to the net café without me if I hadn't arrived first.
There is a kind of idealism which says that if you just do your best, you will be able to do anything, regardless of intelligence or physical strength.
The original qipao covered most of a woman's body, revealing only the head, the hands and the tips of the toes, in order to conceal the figure of the wearer regardless of her age.

9. to consider or have an opinion about something or someone