dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

in a way that is too large or small in relation to something else Anglais:

1. disproportionately disproportionately

School closures disproportionately harm low-income and minority children.
Chinese developers are disproportionately drawn to data structures.
A disproportionately high percentage of millionaires, multimillionaires, and decamillionaires are self-employed business owners and entrepreneurs or self-employed professionals.
The disease disproportionately affects women. Their insurance is disproportionately expensive.

2. strife strife

political/ethnic/religious strife
The priest listened calmly as the arguing couple told him about the strife in their marriage
Their marriage was going through numerous strifes recently.
20 years of civil strife have left the country's economy in ruins.
What are the prospects for overcoming the strife between Christian minority and Muslim majority
Plagued with social strife for decades, the central African nation of Rwanda may finally be primed for a turnaround.
Marriage, in peace, is this world's paradise; in strife, this life's purgatory.
Strife is the rock on which the party split.