dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

friendly Anglais:

1. amiable amiable

She's an amiable person, she's cheerful and helpful. Our chat on the street was amiable
Amy’s name was very apt: she was so amiable that she was twice voted class president.
She is amiable to everybody.
So amiable was the mood of the meeting that a decision was soon reached.
She was in an amiable mood.
At no period of our ancient history does there appear to have been greater attention paid to the culture of the female mind than during the age of Elizabeth and at no time has there existed a greater number of amiable and respectable women.
He was an amiable fellow, but had a certain reserve that he would not let you casually trespass upon.
She is not only beautiful but also amiable.
She seemed an amiable girl, but then I was disappointed with her impoliteness.
amiable side
amiable and capable of deep relationship
He seemed an amiable young man
An amiable fellow, Neil got along with just about everyone.
To those few who knew him well he was even amiable.
Roger Ascham one day paying a visit to the amiable but unfortunate Lady Jane Grey found her employed in reading Plato while the rest of the family were engaged in a hunting party in the park.

Anglais mot "friendly"(amiable) se produit dans des ensembles:

English Basic Adjectives
Angielski C1.1

2. unfriendly unfriendly

Nobody is unfriendly.
I dislike her unfriendly attitude.
He looked unfriendly at first.
Old homes, especially traditional Japanese ones, can be damp and unfriendly to modern life.
Can you figure out why the boss is so unfriendly this week?
The building was dark and unfriendly.
Mary looks unfriendly, but she is really very kind at heart.
She was so unfriendly that I wondered how I had offended her.
The people were really unfriendly. I didn’t like them at all.
Nobody wants to spend time with him because he’s so unfriendly.
Some of the students in my class are very unfriendly.
The people were unfriendly and refused to give me directions.
I think our new boss is rather unfriendly.
I met our new boss this morning and he was really unfriendly.
She had an unfriendly expression on her face.

Anglais mot "friendly"(unfriendly) se produit dans des ensembles:

A14 Adjectives - OPPOSITES
Opposites and Suffixes