dictionnaire Anglais - Anglais

English - English

bad luck Anglais:

1. misfortune misfortune

I hear he met with some kind of misfortune while he was in Europe.
She had one misfortune after another last year.
Never take advantage of another's misfortune.
Various misfortunes have made her sad and bitter.
He is misfortune.
Good luck alternates with misfortune.
There were rumors about a misfortune.
Misfortune arrives on horseback but departs on foot.
She had to smile at her misfortune.
Eleanor though the daughter of a king and brought up in the greatest luxury determined to share misfortune with her husband.
The duty of politicians is to serve the people and prevent misfortune.
Years of resistance to misfortune ended when the settlers' village was overcome by the savages and their hopes and lives came to the bitter end.
What greater misfortune is there than to go blind?
Turn your misfortune to account.
Wherever she went, misfortune followed.

2. fortune fortune

Fortune smiled on him.
He gave away his entire fortune to an old friend's daughter, and expected nothing in return.
Sir William Lucas had been formerly in trade in Meryton, where he had made a tolerable fortune, and risen to the honour of knighthood by an address to the king during his mayoralty.
Do you see all those skeletons strewn around? Don't you think this fortune is unclaimed for a reason?
An inexperienced stock speculator could easily let his business go to pot and lose his entire fortune.
A week before she died she changed her will and left her entire fortune to her dog Pookie.
Having hit a streak of bad luck, my fortune had gone to pot in no time.
A daughter of the first Earl of Gowrie was courted by a young gentleman much her inferior in rank and fortune.
All of the longing and wishes for good fortune are wrapped up in the fragile skin of the dumplings.
Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.
A son who could not learn to paddle his own canoe does not deserve to inherit his father's fortune.
A fortune teller once told Christopher Columbus that he would become a famous man. Columbus, in turn, got angry and demanded his money back - claiming that even a child could state something so obvious.
To believe that an unexpected big fortune will come your way is to build a castle in Spain.