dictionnaire Grecque - Anglais

ελληνικά - English

κολοκύθα Anglais:

1. pumpkin pumpkin

What a big pumpkin!
Tom baked his wife a pumpkin pie.
Tom doesn't know if Mary likes pumpkin pie or not.
How's it going, pumpkin?
The most traditional symbol of Halloween is the pumpkin
Why hot chilies and pumpkin together, Mamma?
We make pumpkin lanterns.
I made him sweet potato stuffed pumpkin
Tomas and Greta carved pumpkins.
We always had pumpkin pie, and if we...
The little bumpkin bought a big pumpkin.

Anglais mot "κολοκύθα"(pumpkin) se produit dans des ensembles:

Λαχανικά - Vegetables