dictionnaire Allemand - Anglais

Deutsch - English

die Schmerztablette Anglais:

1. painkiller

If you have pain, take a painkiller.
Please give me a painkiller.
I need a painkiller.
She took some painkillers for her headache.
Take some painkillers and go to bed.
After the operation you will need to take painkillers for a few days.
You should take some painkillers for your headache.
This is a strong painkiller and you've already taken 2.
Good painkiller is better than regular booze.
I'm out of painkiller. I've gotta get some.
These painkillers are only available on prescription.

Anglais mot "die Schmerztablette"(painkiller) se produit dans des ensembles:

At the doctor - Beim Arzt