dictionnaire Allemand - Anglais

Deutsch - English

das Blatt Anglais:

1. the leaf the leaf

Anglais mot "das Blatt"(the leaf) se produit dans des ensembles:

SWR4 News Vocab 3

2. the sheet the sheet

Anglais mot "das Blatt"(the sheet) se produit dans des ensembles:

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3. leave leave

Don't leave!
You must not leave her waiting outside in such cold weather.
Tom's wife would probably leave him if she knew the truth.
Most of the Dutch in New Amsterdam did not leave.
Tom didn't leave a suicide note, so the police suspect murder.
If I were you, I would quit my job and leave London.
He doesn't want to leave the room because he's afraid that he'll catch another cold.
She will start her maternity leave next week.
She took two weeks' leave and visited China.
Unable to prove his innocence, he was forced to leave his native town.
The last to leave was a tall man, with a pale face and smooth, black hair.
Some college teachers come to class late and leave early.
With it raining like this, we'll never be able to leave.
From personal experience, I know that any encounter with him will leave a bad taste in your mouth.
She won't leave the room, because she doesn't want to catch another cold.

4. sheet of paper sheet of paper

You are white as a sheet of paper!
Before you print you have to put a sheet of paper in the printer.