dictionnaire Tchèque - Anglais

český jazyk - English

vzít do opatrovnictví Anglais:

1. foster foster

He adopted a war orphan and is bringing her up as a foster daughter.
This song was written by Foster.
foster mutual bonds
Marelyn said she talked to her mother by phone from a foster care home in Michigan. Foster parents.
Relations between the two countries have been fostered by official visits and trade delegations
New ways of teaching children will foster creativity and innovation.
It would also benefit the environment, reduce hunger, and foster international cooperation and goodwill.
China hopes newly elected Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will foster new progress in the country’s national construction
Health and gaiety foster beauty.
The growth of the Internet could foster economic development worldwide.
I ​try to foster an ​appreciation for ​classical ​music in my ​students. They were ​discussing the ​best way to foster ​democracy and ​prosperity in the ​former ​communist ​countries.
foster = promote = support
The current political situation fosters emigration of people to western countries.
The children are involved in a group work which fosters learning and collaboration.
Florence Foster Jenkins was one of the greatest sopranos of the world.

Anglais mot "vzít do opatrovnictví"(foster) se produit dans des ensembles:

Unit 3 Matrix Verbs