dictionnaire catalan - Anglais

català, valencià - English

associat Anglais:

1. associated associated

I have been associated with him for ten years.
The iris deeply associated with the Boys' Festival does not have a beautiful flower.
These foods are associated with ethnic groups.
it is associated with...
That's a picture of a monkey associated with the Year of the Monkey.
I've never associated you with this place.
Divorce tends to be associated with a negative image.
We were associated in the enterprise.
Hutongs are a type of narrow street, most commonly associated with Beijing, China.
They always associated a heavy rain with flood.
Fine words and an insinuating appearance are seldom associated with true virtue.
I'm proud to be associated with you
The other 50% associated the word with something seedy.
Everyone associated with your target is a weak point.
And this is the region most closely associated with desertification.