Everyday phrases in Portuguese
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Everyday phrases in Portuguese
Learn how to survive in a Portuguese speaking country!

Learn the most common phrases in Portuguese in a short time
Boost your confidence to talk in any communicative situation
Improve your Portuguese level even more with phrases
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Greetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Saudações, despedidas e frases de cortesíaGreetings, farewells and courtesy phrases - Saudações, despedidas e fr...  
20 fiche
Shopping - ComprasShopping - Compras  
20 fiche
At school - Na escolaAt school - Na escola  
19 fiche
In a bank - No bancoIn a bank - No banco  
20 fiche
In a restaurant - No restauranteIn a restaurant - No restaurante  
20 fiche
In an interview - Numa entrevistaIn an interview - Numa entrevista  
20 fiche
At work - No trabalhoAt work - No trabalho  
20 fiche
In a hotel - No hotelIn a hotel - No hotel  
20 fiche
Afficher toutes les classes (26)

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Do skorzystania z gwarancji nie jest wymagane przedstawienia żadnego powodu.

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Informacja o chęci skorzystania z gwarancji może zostać przesłana pocztą bądź e-mailem.

Marcin Młodzki, członek zarządu
(Warszawa, 1. października 2018)

VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58 | 02-798 Warszawa
NIP: 951 245 79 19 | REGON: 369727696



VocApp Sp. z o.o.
ul. Mielczarskiego 8/58
02-798 Warszawa

NIP: 951 245 79 19
REGON: 369727696
