City bus - Miesto autobusas

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question réponse
The driver sells the tickets.
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Vairuotojas pardavinėja bilietus.
Is it possible to buy the tickets in the kiosk?
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Ar įmanoma nusipirkti bilietus krautuvėlėje?
bus line
Does this bus line reach the city center?
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autobusų trasa
Ar ši autobusų trasa siekia miesto centrą?
single ticket
Two single tickets, please.
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vienkartinis bilietas
Prašau duoti du vienkartinius bilietus.
Do students need to pay the full fare?
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bilieto kaina
Ar studentai turi mokėti pilną bilieto kainą?
Is the timetable also on the Internet?
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Ar tvarkaraštis yra ir internete?
public transport
Is it expensive to use public transport in Vilnius?
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viešasis transportas
Ar brangu Vilniuje naudotis viešuoju transportu?
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"Lithuanian for travelling"
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