At the airport - Tại sân bay

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question réponse
How much is the overweight baggage fee?
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Phí hành lý thêm ký là bao nhiêu?
My flight has been delayed.
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Chuyến bay của tôi đã bị hoãn.
I would like to book an Economy class ticket to China.
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Tôi muốn đặt vé Phổ thông bay đến Trung Quốc.
The plane is on time.
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Máy bay rất đúng giờ.
The plane will be boarding in two hours.
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Máy bay sẽ cất cánh trong hai tiếng nữa.
Where are you flying to today?
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Hôm nay bạn bay tới đâu?
I'm going to travel to Jamaica.
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Tôi sẽ đi du lịch tới Jamaica.
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