500 most important Swedish verbs 1 - 25

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to know
to have knowledge, information
Do you know who did that?
commencer à apprendre
att veta; vet
Vet du, vem som gjorde det?
to come
When is your sister coming?
commencer à apprendre
att komma; kommer
När kommer din syster?
to get
Did you get my message?
commencer à apprendre
att få; får
Har du fått mitt meddelande?
to like
I like to sit and watch the water.
commencer à apprendre
att tycka om; tycker om
Jag tycker om att sitta och titta på vatten.
to see
I can't see anything!
commencer à apprendre
att se; ser
Jag ser ingenting!
to need
My children don't need me anymore.
commencer à apprendre
att behöva; behöver
Mina barn behöver mig inte längre.
to look for
Many people look for work.
commencer à apprendre
att söka; söker
Många människor söker jobb.
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"Swedish Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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hammadkhan il a écrit: 2016-11-03 20:45:05
I want 500 verbs of Swedish plz help me

hammadkhan il a écrit: 2016-11-03 20:45:44
How will I use this

hammadkhan il a écrit: 2016-11-03 20:46:31
can you tell me about this how is it and How will I use this

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